G. F. Miller absolutely insists on a happy ending. Everything else is negotiable. She is living her Happily Ever After with her college sweetheart, three kids, two puppies, and some chickens. She cries at random times. She makes faces at herself in the mirror. She believes in the Oxford comma. And she’s always here for a dance party.
Additional fun facts:
More people have read G. F. Miller's alternate ending to CRASH LANDING ON YOU than all of her books combined.
G. F. Miller is 5'4" which is probably the most average height to be.
She grew up in Illinois and now lives in Arizona.
She has traveled to a lot of countries in Asia, but China is not one of them, unless sitting in a airport for a few hours counts, which it most definitely does not.
She once swam in a bio-luminescent bay in Vieques, Puerto Rico. 10/10 would recommend.
Interviews and Articles
Here's some links to G. F. Miller's interviews and articles:
Random photos of mostly puppies, kids doing things, and books.